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About Grand Singles

We are one of several social groups here at the Grand.  Singles is our club name but all Grand residents are welcome to join. We're a fun group of people who enjoy making new friends as well as participating in the activities this club has to offer.

Join Singles and enjoy great events such as lunches, dinners, dances, mixers, pot-luck dinners, table games, happy hours, poker, crazy bocce, themed parties, crazy golf, trivia, DJ bingo and more.

Ongoing Monthly Events:

1st Tuesday: Lunch - members only

1st Wednesday: Board Meeting

2nd Wednesday: Game Night

3rd Wednesday: Prospective Member Meeting

3rd Thursday: Texas Hold'em Poker

Other Events:

We have varied events during the month.  Hosts are needed for each event.  Some are for members only. Guests may attend some events for an additional $5 fee.  

Upcoming events

Sun City Grand Singles Club.  19753 N Remington Drive, Surprise, AZ 85374

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